28 may 2010

Why use Spring Python and not just plain python?

I have bumped into articles and forum postings, blog entries, other blog entries, and yet more blog entries. In fact, while writing this blog entry, someone posed the question “what is the aim of Spring Python?” (Click and see my answer.) There are a diverse range of view points, and many in disagreement about the viability of DI in python...

source: http://blog.springpython.webfactional.com/2009/02/01/why-use-spring-python-and-not-just-plain/

26 may 2010

The Use of Grids in Website Design

When creating a website one of the most important things to get right
is the layout, the UI – user interface as you would call it, is
something that is crucial to conveying the information and point of
your website. There are many kinds of website layout designs. However
the main point of a website is to convey understanding to the user...

source: http://www.designer-daily.com/the-use-of-grids-in-website-design-6639

24 may 2010

Video JS

Video JS is a javascript-based video player that uses the HTML5 video functionality built into advanced browsers. In general, the benefit of using an HTML5 player is a consistent look between browsers...

source: http://videojs.com/

19 may 2010

LaTeX résumé Follow-up

Since there was a decent amount of interest in my prior post about composing my résumé in LaTeX, I put together a "template" and an example PDF based off of my actual résumé. Here is the template and you can grab the generated PDF by clicking on the image...

source: http://www.toofishes.net/blog/latex-resume-follow-up/

Steve Huffman on Lessons Learned at Reddit

source: http://carsonified.com/blog/dev/steve-huffman-on-lessons-learned-at-reddit/

11 may 2010

Free the Foxes

It is essential to have your users operate a browser that supports an appropriate standard on how things are displayed and how things function. Free the Foxes is FREE and is roughly only 25K in size (including JS, CSS and images) and is almost completely customizable...

source: http://www.freethefoxes.com/

5 may 2010

What Every Developer Should Know About URLs

I have recently written about the value of fundamentals in software development. I am still firmly of the opinion that you need to have your fundamentals down solid, if you want to be a decent developer. However, several people made a valid point in response to that post, in that it is often difficult to know what the fundamentals actually are (be they macro or micro level). So, I thought it would be a good idea to do an ongoing series of posts on some of the things that I consider to be fundamental – this post is the first instalment...

source: http://www.skorks.com/2010/05/what-every-developer-should-know-about-urls/

Pure CSS3 Spiderman Cartoon w/ jQuery and HTML5

Searching YouTube for inspiration I stumbled on to the intro of the classic 1967 spider-man cartoon series. While watching I realized that the animation was very basic. It was the paper doll sort of animation that lends itself perfectly to css3. Hmmm… "I could something like that with a little css3″, I thought...

source: http://www.optimum7.com/internet-marketing/web-development/pure-css3-spiderman-ipad-cartoon-jquery-html5-no-flash.html

4 may 2010

Making AJAX Applications Crawlable

If you're running an AJAX application with content that you'd like to appear in search results, we have a new process that, when implemented, can help Google (and potentially other search engines) crawl and index your content. Historically, AJAX applications have been difficult for search engines to process because AJAX content is produced dynamically by the browser and thus not visible to crawlers. While there are existing methods for dealing with this problem, they involve regular manual maintenance to keep the content up-to-date...

source: http://code.google.com/web/ajaxcrawling/

3 may 2010

Six Apart Guide to Comment Spam

This document describes how malicious or unwanted comments ('comment spam') affect weblogs, the techniques spammers use to abuse weblogs, and the tactics that can be used to prevent and defend against these attacks. Also included is a review of the strengths and weaknesses of each tactic, instructions for implementing them on your weblog and ones which we recommend for the best protection...

source: http://www.sixapart.com/pronet/comment_spam

Feature Branches

A feature branch is the sort of branch that's been the dominant example in this chapter (the one you've been working on while Sally continues to work on /trunk). It's a temporary branch created to work on a complex change without interfering with the stability of /trunk. Unlike release branches (which may need to be supported forever), feature branches are born, used for a while, merged back to the trunk, then ultimately deleted. They have a finite span of usefulness...

source: http://chestofbooks.com/computers/revision-control/subversion-svn/Feature-Branches-Branchmerge-Commonpatterns-Feature.html

2 may 2010

HTML5 Canvas examples

Here's a collection of HTML5 canvas examples. All on one page and organised into sections so that you don't have to go hunting around for them. How nice...

source: http://www.phpguru.org/static/html5-canvas-examples